5 Ways for Music Teachers to Thrive During the Cost of Living Crisis

teacher holding tambourine in classroom

The ‘cost of living crisis’ is being reported on daily. Everywhere we look, there seems to be people struggling and businesses closing? How can our music teaching business survive? Is it possible to thrive? Yes!!!

Follow these steps to protect and bolster your business:

  • Don’t feel pressured to cut your prices. If you make yourself too cheap, your customers won’t value your work. They won’t put the work in needed to see results, and won’t continue to invest in your services. If you are the cheapest teacher in your area, you will attract the wrong type of customers - often those without loyalty to you!

  • Instead, look at how you can add value. How can you make yourself indispensable to your customers? Make sure you are exceptionally reliable, with great communication. What fun bonuses can you bring to your lessons? Are there goals that your students want to achieve? How can you help them to reach these?

  • Network and work with other local businesses. Are there ways you can support each other? Do you have a common pool of customers that you can cross advertise to? Can you collaborate? Can you share costs for any materials, staff, venues?

  • Conduct a review of your business now. Are there any costs you can cut? Does your business have debts you can consolidate? Are there marketing expenses that are no longer necessary? Any direct debits coming out for things you can do without?

  • Stay innovative and ahead of the rest! Look at how your business can stand out. What can you offer your customers? Are there low-cost options you can add?

Keep calm and make a plan. Don’t go into this with your eyes closed, but with a feeling of strength and resistance!

Lauren & Luke x

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