5 Ways To Work Smarter, NOT Harder For Music Teachers

5 Ways To Work Smarter, NOT Harder For Music Teachers

If you’ve been in my world for a while, you’ll know that I talk a lot  about the importance of ensuring that your teaching life works for you and your family and the things that you love. And yet, this week, a few too many work calls have crept into family time. I found myself posting on our Music Monsters’ page when reading bedtime stories. And I found myself saying those dreaded words – ‘You’ll have to wait, Mummy’s working’.

This was the very thing that Luke and I set out to avoid.

We created Music Monsters to allow us more family time, more flexibility with work, more money for less hours. And yet I found myself slipping back into old habits.

I’m sharing this because with all the will in the world, even with a system in place, I get this wrong sometimes! But the thing is, I know that what I do next will have a big impact on readjusting my balance again.

Hands up if you’re frequently allowing work to leak into the things you love?

How can you set up your life so that you can create the maximum impact, without working every hour under the sun?

As I finish my hot choccie, I’m here to give you a few pointers on how to make this happen.

How to make work happen in a way that feels worthwhile, enjoyable, impactful – without it seeping into every evening/weekend/minute of every day.

How to ensure your teaching life works for you:

Write down your priorities, for the year, for the quarter, for the month – whatever works best for you. Every time a new idea pops into your head, or a new opportunity presents itself, ask yourself ‘Is this going to help me achieve what I need to achieve right now?’ If not, write it down and park it!

Tomorrow is a new day and the decisions we make following a setback have a big impact on what comes next for us.

I’m here to cheer you on to get back on track with your teaching/life balance and we are in this together – I’ve slipped along the way too!

Lauren x

Lauren & Luke x

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