How Can Music Teachers Make More Money?

Music Teacher in classroom with student

If you are a music teacher, you are probably a passionate, creative, nurturing individual, who is excited about sharing your skills and your energy. BUT you are probably underpaid, undervalued, and tired of music being of secondary importance after the ‘core subjects’. This is not the end of your story! There are lots of things that you can do to take control, move yourself forward, and make more money teaching music.

WHY do music teachers find it so hard to make more money?

There is a common misunderstanding in our industry, that we love what we do…and therefore we don’t have to be paid our worth. No matter how highly skilled, no matter how highly educated. It is not greedy to want to make a good living, AND to do something that you love. You can have both. So many of us are brought up with stories of how you shouldn’t go into music if you want to make a good living.

Ever heard of the starving artist? This is an archetype, an artist who sacrifices material things in order to focus on their art. Who lives on minimal expenses, and who dedicated their life to their art. Admirable? No!!!! It doesn’t have to be this way!
It is time to rewrite our stories. Making more money allows you the freedom to live the life that you want to, and to make positive changes in the world – and to dedicate even more time to your art if you wish!! There is enough money to go round.

If money mindset is something you are interested in exploring and changing, this book is a brilliant place to start. (aff link)


teacher holding tambourine in classroom

What one thing is holding you back?

The one thing holding you back from making more money is your own self-limiting belief. You are conditioned to believe that your time is not valuable, and therefore you spend far too much of it working for free. Running rehearsals, writing reports, leading concerts, not charging students who cancel late, writing out music at all hours of the night!

How can you make more money today?

I’m going to give you three quick wins to help you to make more money for your work straight away.

  1. Put your prices up. Don’t strive to be the cheapest option in your area. You don’t need to undercut other teachers to make yourself the most desirable. Know your worth and charge it – especially if you haven’t put your prices up yet this year!
  2. Reduce your outgoings. Take a good look at your business accounts. Do you have unused subscriptions? Cancel them. Are you paying for advertising that isn’t working for you? Cancel it. Are you spending money on fancy stationary for the new term, when there are cheaper options? Stop. Reducing your business outgoings will immediately increase your profit margins!
  3. Increase your number of students by offering some small group lessons. Teaching in groups is fun, inspiring and excellent for ensemble playing. It is a more affordable option for parents, and more profitable for you.

Lauren & Luke x

We would love to talk to you about the opportunities we have at Music Monsters, and to share with you all the ways that you can benefit from joining us. If you think that this may be of interest to you, let's arrange a zoom call - we would love to connect.

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