On Quitting Teaching

Baby dressed in a Music Monsters baby grow

Confession time...

After becoming completely overwhelmed and trapped in the system, I nearly quit teaching.

After our second child was born, I honestly felt like I couldn’t see a way to make it work. Juggling parenthood and teaching was just too stressful, and I felt like I was totally consumed by my work. I was ready to throw in the towel.

I could never be happy with a life that required me to work more and more and more hours if I wanted to afford the the things I wanted, could I?

I’d become comfortable with the idea that I wouldn’t push myself any further and my mindset had completely changed from feeling excited about the possibilities of inspiring lots of children, to accepting that I was stuck and this was it for me.

Best Music teaching franchise, class being taught by teacher

My personal SNAP came during lockdown. I felt like I had suddenly opened my eyes, and realised that I had SO MUCH CHOICE. I could choose what I wanted to do, choose how to direct my energy, choose to pursue a life with a difference. I could choose to stay stuck, or I could decide right there and then that I wanted more.

This reignited the fire inside of me! I felt excited again and ready to take the next small step towards my goal.

I wanted to share this story with you because if you’ve ever felt like you just can’t carry on the way you are, know that you are not alone.

To help me reconnect with the idea of building a thriving, profitable, inspiring, impactful business, and get my mojo back, I did two things:

  • I found an excellent mentor and coach. Someone who had walked the walk before me, and was generous in sharing her knowledge and experience.

  • I made my 'one day' goals, 'day one' goals. I stopped saying 'I'd love to do that one day', or 'I wish I could do that'. Instead, I started with the end in mind, and worked backwards to create manageable steps to get me where I wanted to go. This meant getting uncomfortable, pushing myself outside of my comfort zone, but ultimately moving day-by-day ever closer to where I wanted to be. These became my non-negotiables!

If you’re nodding along with this email and you’ve ever felt like this, take it back to basics and remember WHY you decided to teach – and remember that it is not wrong to teach something you are passionate about AND earn lots of money.

If you’re in need of a boost and you’re ready to go from unappreciated and sick-of-the-system, to rocking your own impactful business, make sure you check out my FREE masterclass 1st October at 8.00pm:

In the meantime, hit reply and tell me how you’re doing.

You’ve got this!

Lauren x

Lauren & Luke x

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